Saturday, July 17, 2010


So I take everything back I said in my last post about Finn becoming a better dog. It's like he knew I wrote it and said "I'll show you..." He's been on a rampage and is back to not being allowed out of my sight. About once a week I'm left wishing there was a poison control hot-line for animals. If this does exist, I'm unaware of it and please let me know. I know I could call the vet, but I kind of feel like a parent who has not been watching their child closely and may be turned in to DFACS.

Just this summer Finn has eaten swimming pool cleaner (straight sodium bicarbonate), a bottle of Prilosec, and today he got into a bottle of Hydroxycut with Hoodia (none of these chemicals belonged to me by the way). I counted the pills left in the bottle and determined that he couldn't have eaten very many of them. I thought, well, it was probably tested on animals before it was put on the market. So I shrugged my shoulders, made him eat and drink and he's been fine for the rest of the day.

Still wouldn't give him up for anything in the world, but come on Finn.

I do have one bragging point for him. This week on his days off, Blake went to LaGrange to help his parents with some "projects". I had to work and I stayed here. I think Finn sensed that I was alone, and more fragile than Blake, and he felt more of a responsibility to guard me. He was on high alert and every noise put him on edge. At once point my stomach grawled and he snarled. I appreciate his barking but it kind of freaked me out, especially at 10:30 at night when he was barking into darkness. I called Blake while he was visiting my family and told him Finn was scaring me. He tried to reassure me and said "you know where the guns are." I heard my whole family behind him start to laugh. It is laughable, I don't have much experience with guns and if there were an intruder, I would have no chance of getting out the gun, putting it together, loading it correctly, etc. There is a higher chance of me being hurt than the intruder. I opted to go to bed with a fire poker rather than a gun. I am glad that I didn't have to use the fire poker and even more glad to have Blake back home.

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