Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One liners

So I am still in Rome, it is my last week. Today Blake said, I don't know what you would do if you were single, you are always looking for something to do there. It's true, and I don't know either. Really the problem is not being single from Monday through Friday, it's not really knowing anyone around here or having my own space...

But really I have enjoyed it. It has worked out well because I have been able to see Blake every weekend. Last year when I had tests after my rotations, I couldn't spare the study time every weekend to drive 4 hours one way to get home. This year, I do not have a test to study for, and it is not worth the strain or boredom staying in town over the weekend.

I am spending a lot on gas continually driving across Georgia, but again, it's worth it. This weekend there were a couple of one-liners which stuck out and reminded me how much I love my relationship with Blake. From the previous sentence, you might assume I'm taking about lovey-dovey one-liners. Definitely not - that's not our style, we are pretty blunt with each other.

We were on the way home from eating out at a Mexican restaurant (where we also got to watch LaGrange High play on ESPN 2) and Blake threw out the phrase "fecal particles". He was speaking of gas, but I thought it was a hysterical phrase. How often do you think of fecal particles? In medicine, we talk about poop a LOT, but not in the form of fecal particles. Apparently this is a phrase they use a lot at work. I laughed so hard I could barely drive.

The next morning we woke up at 10:30 - glorious. In our lovey-dovey moments of waking up, Blake says, "I think you gave me pink eye, cause your breath smells like butt!" Hilarious! (Pink eye is spread by fecal particles.)

It seems like when I get to sleep in, my mind has time to wander, and I have weird dreams. This was one of those nights and I had to share the dream with Blake. In my dream, Jack Black was a midget who was chasing me, and I was scared of him and was planning to drop kick him but he tripped first. After hearing this Blake said, "I want some of whatever you're on."

For the rest of the weekend we relaxed, watched lots of football (including the Auburn victory), and went to the Arts in the Heart Festival. On Thursday Blake is coming to Rome to go to dinner and go on a tour as part of my interview. I can't wait to see him and create more one-liners.

1 comment:

  1. bahahahah... love the bluntness..I would have cried. typical! Don't let Blake say those things during yout tour!!!! :) Misssss you!!!!
