Friday, February 18, 2011

Ugh, Not Again!

I consider myself an attentive and conscientious person, but sometimes I have such ditsy moments it is shocking....

So I haven't been around in a while... I'm doing ICU at Doctor's hospital. I am seeing some crazy stuff and learning a lot of good medicine. I have really enjoyed it. One of the best things about the rotation is that they allow us to eat breakfast and lunch in the doctor's lounge. No packing or paying for lunch! I love free food...

So today as I was leaving, me and the other student decided to raid the lounge on the way home. I loaded up with cokes and ice cream. Then I walked out to my car, went to crank it, and got nothing. NOOOOO - not again. I had left my headlights on in a rush to get into the hospital this morning.

I say not again because I just did this same thing about 5 weeks ago at MCG. That time I called Blake and he was able to get the jumper cables from his work and come jump me off. This time, he was already home and said he would try to find some jumper cables. So I went back inside sat in the lobby, and pulled out a push pop. I probably looked retarded in my white coat slurping a push pop like a 4 year old, but hey, it was going to melt.

Blake wasn't able to find jumper cables, so I did what I probably should have done to begin with and got security to jump me off. I was rolling in about 3 minutes. It seems my battery has bounced back after going completely dead twice now. The first time I vowed to myself I would pay more attention and make sure I turned off the head lights.....hopefully I can make it more than 5 weeks this time.


  1. Haha! Jason sometimes sneaks me goodies from the doctor's lounge! ...come to think of it, it's been awhile. It's 10:00, and he's still at work...maybe I'll ask him for a Snickers ice cream bar! ;)

  2. As long as it doesn't come with a dead battery!
