Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What a Wonderful Birthday!

Today is my 26th birthday, and I have to admit, I wasn't very excited about it. There's nothing special about 26, and I felt like I'm getting on the old side of young (sorry to those of you older than 26, just being honest). But it's turned out to be a great day and I'm changing my outlook. 26 is going to be an awesome year for me - I'm going to become a doctor this year!

On top of that, we got great news yesterday - our offer was accepted on a house in Rome, and we have an awesome place to live! This was our second time looking and I didn't expect to have such great luck. The first time we left feeling very under-whelmed. We saw some poopy and over-priced houses. The second look was a different story - we had far fewer houses to look at (we started the day planning to look at only 3, ended up seeing 5), but they all felt like viable options. When we chose the house we put an offer on, we knew we were bidding with 2 other people, so I really didn't expect us to get it. Our realtor called a day before we expected and I was sure she had bad news. I was trying to keep my hopes down, but I really wanted the house. It's awesome, huge, beautiful, in a great area, etc. The only bad thing I can say about it is that the back yard needs help. Unfortunately I didn't take a good picture of the front. We will probably be going back soon and I'll get some better ones. Closing is set for May 24!

After our realtor called, Blake thought it was a good time to give me my birthday present. He had told me I wasn't getting anything for my birthday, instead I was getting a graduation present, so it was a surprise. He did really good! I got a pair of Mikimoto pearl earrings!

I should be honest and say that this is the second pair of pearl earrings he's given me. I treasured the others, and searched on my hands and knees with a flashlight in the dark in the Mercer parking lot for one that had fallen out. That time I miraculously found it, but after all that, I think Finn ate one of them. I will keep a better eye on these.

We have a lot to do before we are ready to move to Rome, but it is getting very exciting! Gotta give God praise for all my blessings!

" You have done many good things for me, Lord, just as you promised.
I believe in your commands; now teach me good judgment and knowledge."
Psalm 119:65&66

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new house and on becoming a doctor! I'm so excited for you! And, thanks for the book recommendations. I can't wait to start reading a new book!
